Overview & Goals

Novel training approach for circular business model innovation in the furniture and woodworking sectors

Furn 360 aim

The aim of FURN360 is to create an Innovative didactic content to promote the integration of the Circular Economy Principles within the different business models that the furniture and woodworking sectors specialized in office and contract are currently based. It will comprise a joint curriculum, didactic materials and a collaborative platform in line with the needs of the different target users identified:
Learners and workers from the furniture, woodworking and related sectors as well as those professionals and entrepreneurs willing to create new businesses towards the circularity of furniture and woodworking products.

FURN360 will develop and implement an innovative practice, a new training curriculum for the furniture sector, specifically for the office furniture and contract sectors, adapted to the future trends and needs of the whole society in terms of circular economy. Thus, FURN360 will reinforce the vocational education and training of the target groups, and review those key competences and skills needed for closing the loop of those furniture linear business models.

Furn 360 phases

An analysis of the Situation and Evolution of the Circular Economy within the
Furniture and Woodworking Industries: identification of best practices and current Knowledge, Skills and Qualifications needs

A Joint Curriculum having as a basis both the skills and competences required for closing the loop and the key elements in which circular economy principles are based

Training Content
A training content based on five different modules, covering all required learning outcomes, based on the principles of three subjects: furniture and woodworking industry, circular economy and Key Enable Technologies.

Collaborative platform
An on-line collaborative platform where students, teachers, staff from the furniture industry and other experts in the field of industrial sustainability, eco-innovation and green economy will be able to learn and share experiences.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission – application number 2017-1-BE01-KA202-024752. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.